Help law students go to moots and competitions. Help vulnerable Argentine students finish college Help vulnerable Argentine students finish college Help vulnerable Argentine students finish college

fundacion programa Integrar

Org #75484
Vetted since 2020
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Promote the comprehensive professional development of young adults from socially and economically vulnerable neighborhoods in the Buenos Aires and La Pampa provinces by providing them with higher education opportunities.

Project Leaders
anabella maudet
anabella maudet
Fabiola Vega
Fabiola Vega
Anabella Maudet
Organization Information
Scalabrini Ortiz 3020 piso 3 B
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, 1425
Organization Information
Scalabrini Ortiz 3020 piso 3 B
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, 1425

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

March report

By Anabella Maudet | Executive Director

Dear Donors,While we continue fundraising to support the participation of the Argentinian team in the 31st Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot to be held in Viena, from March 22 to... Read the full report ›

The Third Time's the Charm

By Anabella Maudet | Executive Director

March 2024 In our commitment to building our graduates workforce readiness through experience, we've teamed up with Grupo MSA, an Argentine company specializing in Unconventional Software for Critical... Read the full report ›

February report

By Anabella Maudet | Executive Director

Dear donors, The outcome of the national elections in December sparked significant political upheaval and widespread confusion. As inflation continues its relentless climb, the plight of families... Read the full report ›
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